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Mr. Trump, "Make America Great Again" through Solar Energy

November 9, 2016

Category: news

 Trump Solar  

The people of the United States have voted and their choice has been made. Donald J. Trump will be taking his seat in The White House. We need to bring to Mr. Trump's attention the importance of progressing clean and renewable energy technologies. Our new President needs to understand that these technologies harness tremendous environmental and economic benefits and should be an "on the agenda" item.

Trump Solar

America is a country that has historically taken the initiative to be on the forefront of innovation and forward thinking, and technologies such as distributed rooftop solar makes sense both economically and environmentally. As U.S. citizens, American businesses, and on behalf of our great country, we ask Donald Trump, that if he want's to "Make America Great Again", then promote the use of rooftop solar and other clean energy generation technologies.

While the solar industry is not completely reliant on federal clean energy policy, one of the largest economic drivers of solar is the current Federal ITC, which provides a 30% tax credit on all solar energy installations and has immensely assisted the industry in it's fast paced growth over the past few years. This credit is currently in place until 2019, with a step down until 2022.

As of Q2 2016, the solar industry employs well over 200,000 jobs and is now the leading choice for new electricity generation. According to the SEIA, there is currently 31.6 gigawatts of installed solar capacity, providing enough solar installed to power more than 6.2 million U.S. homes and reduce carbon emissions by 37 million metric tons each year.

Continued support of distributed solar can help the new President meet his campaign promises; such as providing U.S. citizens and American businesses with greater Independence and the choice to generate their own power on their own terms; Assisting the growth of American businesses by leveraging solar energy to reduce operational costs and increasing their bottom line; and creating jobs, where "The number of solar jobs in the U.S. has more than doubled in five years. In fact, there are more people working in solar now than at oil rigs and in gas fields." per CNN.

While Mr. Trump has stated to not see "eye to eye" with climate change theories and facts, this is more than that. It's the freedom as American's to choose renewable, clean energy generation to protect our families and our children from the increased use of fossil fuel energy sources and their toxic emissions. Trump is a family man, and as every other father and grandfather out there, he must want the best for his children and their children; this includes cleaner air and a healthier environment. 

Let's take a look at the great city of New York in which Mr. Trump is from, were verbatim from the NYC Environmental Protection agency website, "Despite significant improvements over the last decade, air pollution in New York City is still a significant environmental threat."

As President of the United States of America, Mr. Trump now bears responsibility for making the choices that effect millions of Americans and their children. We ask you Mr. Trump, to make the right choice and continue to support the clean energy revolution, and together let's "Make America Great Again".




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