Clean Energy News

Jan 15, 2025

What Sets Solar Apart from Other Energy Sources?

September 13, 2022

Category: news


The pursuit of renewable energy is taking the world by storm. Not only are fossil fuels finite, with experts expecting us to completely deplete the resource by 2060, but they also have detrimental effects on the environment. Fossil fuels contribute to climate change by releasing greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere. This release leads to more frequent and intense droughts, heat waves, storms, and rising sea levels. They also release harmful pollutants into our air and water supply that can contribute to numerous health issues. When making this necessary switch away from fossil fuels, it is important to understand what types of renewable energy are available.

There are four main types of renewable energy: biomass, which works by releasing energy from renewable biomass sources by either burning, anaerobic digestion, or conversion to a gas or liquid fuel; wind, where wind power spins a propeller connected to a motor and generates energy; hydropower, where a motor is powered by the kinetic energy of water as it flows downstream; and solar, which works by harnessing the power of the sun using either photovoltaic panels or mirrors that concentrate solar radiation. Out of these four options, many experts believe that solar energy is the most effective on practical, economic, and environmental levels.

Solar energy is limitless, and can be accessed anywhere on the planet. It would take only 0.4% of the area in the US to produce enough energy to supply power to the entire nation. Hydropower was the first type of renewable energy, and has been supplying people with energy since the 1880s. Solar was developed in 1954, just around 60 years ago, but is the fastest growing energy source.  Around 139 GW of global capacity was added to the grid in 2020 alone, leading solar to produce almost 3% of the worlds electricity.

Additionally, Solar panels are now the cheapest form of energy, which is becoming exceedingly true in the face of rising natural gas prices. It currently costs between only 3,500 and 35,000 USD to supply enough energy to power an entire residential home. A study published in the journal Energy and Environmental Materials, states that the US could save 5.6 billion USD a year if the country were to switch from coal to solar. Additionally, solar is becoming increasingly important in stimulating the economy, employing over 250,000 people in the year 2020.

As previously stated, the pursuit of any form of clean energy is beneficial to the environment. Solar panels are particularly helpful though, with widespread solar adaptation decreasing local levels of air pollutants. This results in significantly fewer cases of bronchitis, respiratory and cardiovascular problems. Switching to solar energy also decreases greenhouse gas emissions. In fact, just one home switching from fossil fuels to solar energy can lead to a similar amount of emission reductions as would result from planting 150 trees each year for the entire lifetime of the solar system. Solar panels also take significantly less energy to manufacture than they produce over their lifetime, making them a smart investment when looking to decrease emissions.

As you can see, solar energy can be especially beneficial on practical, economic, and environmental levels. For this reason, switching to solar energy may be the right choice for your business, helping you increase revenue and allowing you to contribute to the essential switch from fossil fuels to renewable energy.



Created By:Solbid Inc.