Clean Energy News

May 8, 2024

August 31, 2016
Per an article written by the Miami Herald yesterday, in Tuesday's primary election more than 70% of Florida voters approved solar tax breaks to incentivize Florida businesses to go solar.
Category: news

August 26, 2016
It seems like a no-brainer to try and leverage solar for one of the most common activities that humans do on a daily basis; transportation. So much money is wasted everyday on gasoline for our combustion engines, and you can't always find a high speed charging station when you are on the road for with your electric car “ If only we could take advantage of the sun while we are in transit!
Category: news

August 22, 2016
Companies across America are starting to see the benefit of solar beyond the obvious carbon footprint and direct cost reduction value. In an age of Millennials, there is an increased sensitivity to our health and our planet, that forward-thinking companies are leveraging through sustainability programs and realizing significant marketing value by showcasing their environmental responsibility.
Category: news

August 18, 2016
One of the biggest questions asked by businesses who are looking to deploy a commercial solar energy system is how to pay for it. Many solar companies are steering customers towards 3rd party Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) Models, but does this really provide the end-customer with the best ROI?
Category: news

August 16, 2016

The Walt Disney Company is not new to leveraging solar in their projects with some design sense. Back in 1982, Disney built an attraction at EPCOT called the Universe of Energy; later renamed and updated to Ellen's Energy Adventure. The entire pavilion incorporated 80,000 PV solar cells.

Category: news

August 11, 2016
According to a new report by GTM Research, the U.S. Commercial solar market is set to grow by 30% in 2016. The report also highlights that the U.S. commercial market will reach 3.0 gigawatts of solar power by 2020, amounting to a market size of roughly $3.8 billion.
Category: news